30 Ways To Cheat On An Exam
Why ASFM Students Got Sent To The Office
Never Have I Ever: ASFM Teacher Edition
The First Year
Unlike other categories, El Canal 107 was founded during El 107’s second year. It was created as a way to provide media through video and expand El 107 beyond the paper. During it’s first year, El Canal went through three different productions.
“Canal 107 is a video subgroup of El Ciento-Siete, featuring interviews with interesting figures from around our community. From world renowned chefs to politicians, there is no limit to who we can get in front of our cameras, except our parent’s phone book…” - Luis Elizondo, Founder of Canal 107
(April, 2019)
During most of the second semester of El 107’s Year 2, the Canal 107 team conducted an investigation concerning ASFM’s cafeteria, Blue Leaf. The purpose of this inquiry was to inform and answer the ASFM community’s frequently asked questions, and to present the current situation the cafeteria found itself in. After a series of unprecedented events, El 107 alongside the ASFM Administration decided to take down the videos
Miguel Treviño
(January, 2019)
El primer alcalde independiente de San Pedro, Miguel Treviño, ha demostrado su integridad con sus varias posiciones en el gobierno de Nuevo León. Su reto más grande será guardar la seguridad del municipio, un tema extremadamente importante y controversial para el electorado que le dio el puesto.
Chef Herrera
(November, 2018)
Adrian Herrera tiene su propia editorial y ha publicado dos libros; “Norteño” y “Púdrete en el infierno”. Ha abierto varios restaurantes; La Fonda San Francisco, Paso del Norte, Chef Herrera, y un proyecto de cocina norestense dentro del restaurante El Tío, todos en Monterrey. Es juez de Masterchef México y fue juez de Cocinero del Año México.