Firmes ¡Ya!

“Robbed from first place for being an American School” as stated by member Elías Dieck, the ASFM escolta proudly took second in the tournament that took place at Colegio Labastida.

Five schools competed against each other and were all judged based on aspects as picky as appearance, martiality and soldier-like stance. It was a close call, as only nine points distinguished the school’s escolta from Labastida.

The escolta veterans, Laura de la Garza and Ian Fiehn have been a part of the group for four years, setting a prime example for the rest. These 9th graders, along with Miranda Treviño, Elías Dieck, Rene Coindreau and Nicole Fiehn, as well as 8th grader Eduardo Menchaca, practiced their routine every day before the big event.

Discipline is only one of the many characteristics the members are required to possess and our representatives for the competition prove this to their coach, Virginia Noriega, every Friday when they arrive at 7 AM to practice.

In the contest the escolta scoped out the rest of the competitors: taking queues for future competitions and honing the fields in which they excel at. Elías was happy with the overall result: “It was hard for us to be able to reach that place and we are very proud of the recognition we got.”