On Saturday the 2nd, a group of 25 students traveled to the Sister School in García to organize a posada for children and parents. Activities included talks, games, and handing out gifts like soccer balls to the children.
“I was amazed by the enthusiasm from both the parents and the students while at the Sister School,” NHS president Pablo Martínez-Ábrego, remarked. Over 150 people attended the yearly event, a significant portion of the small community.
The games left the children “laughing and delighted,” as reported by Jorge Quintana, a smile on his face as he recalled that chilly morning.
Classrooms were refurbished with cushioned floors and tennis balls for chair legs.
The faculty opened a bazaar for the families, and just like Black Friday, there was a rush of people, anxious to see what they could find, as well as a murmur of voices from buyers inspecting the vast arrangement of clothes, with selling prices of ten or twenty pesos.
A medical brigade organized by the Med Club was installed to help the citizens with their discomforts, complete with a doctor prescribing medicine to ensure their wellbeing.