Girls Call Sexism… But Is It?
Girls say this, guys say that, coaches should do this.
The female’s basketball team demands equality as men’s training is allegedly prioritized over their own. The girls constantly use the outside courts while boys practice in the indoor gym. According to them, no one seems to be following the schedule created to ensure that everyone has equal time inside and out.
Coach Pedro disagreed. “We have a calendar that is followed strictly and the only exception is ASOMEX. Whenever a team has ASOMEX, they get to practice in the gym for two weeks straight.” He explained that the reason why the men train inside is that there have been times where a total of two girls show up to practice and he believes it would be illogical to pull out 22 boys from the inside court to accommodate the other two.
The incongruence doesn’t stop there.
11th grader María Giacoman expressed that “We have gone to the head basketball coach to complain, his response was that the boys had an ASOMEX tournament coming up. We had this tournament as well.”
Members of the men's basketball team explained that the current system is not fair, but it makes sense. 12th graders Alex Torre and Pato Escalante added that “girls are not as committed to the sport because more than half of them are also in soccer, meaning that they train for only 45 minutes.” However, senior Santiago Guajardo accepted that he “can see why girls think the system is unfair.”
“Training inside is not a privilege, it’s a right,” 12th grader Mayela Barrera stated. “Boys stick to the privileges and do nothing to change things because they are untouchable.”
According to the women interviewed, even though half their team is in both basketball and soccer that is not an excuse for injustice. Based on the responses from students and coaches, a new system should be implemented to accommodate those who are complaining about the current one.