Letter to the Chiefs / Volume 3.2
I would like to respond to the “One Step Ahead” article from the last edition. I personally have a lot to say about the renovated classrooms; even though I do see some of the benefits in them, I am not a big fan. I am sure that everyone involved in this project did a lot of research regarding learning spaces and how to improve them, however, I do believe that ASFM is experiencing too many changes in one year, which can be overwhelming to both teachers and students. From my personal experience, I feel way more distracted in the new classrooms than in any other learning space. Bright colors, huge windows, and high tables become extremely overwhelming for me, which is why I always wish to go work outside even though I would much rather stay near the teacher to ask questions and express my concerns. The goal of these classrooms is to make learning more desirable and fun but at the same time, I see students sleeping, playing video games, and watching Netflix in these classrooms more than in any other since teachers don't notice because of the way that the seating places are arranged. Students who have a harder time concentrating and staying focused are the ones who are being affected the most since many of the add ons to these classrooms can be considered distracting. Don't get me wrong, I know that there are good intentions and ideas behind this project, I just believe that it is not being executed correctly. Yes, the new classrooms look really cool and innovative, but do they really serve their purpose?