What New Teacher are you?
Answer 5 random questions and we’ll reveal which new teacher you’re most like. Count the number of each animal you get, and the most will determine who you are.
What Do You Believe came First?
The Chicken
The Egg
What Music Genre do you like the most?
Soft Pop
What Movie best describes your life?
Pursuit of Happiness
It’s a Wonderful Life
A Series of unfortunate Events
What Age do you wish you could permanently be?
Would you rather know…
Very little about a lot of subjects
A lot about a few subjects
Katherine Summers: You are friendly and funny. Loved ones around you sometimes get offended with your sarcasm. A perfect weekend plan is watching Netflix and takeout, and you have not much interest in partying. You consider yourself somewhat unlucky, since you always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Although you might experience some rough winds, most of the time you are bright as summer!
Samantha Burbridge: You are easy going, fun to be around, and stroll through life with a smile. You are determined to make a positive impact in your community. People with a negative attitude irritate you and kill your “vibe”. Keep up your optimistic personality, and just keep swimming!
Monica Jaime: You appreciate organization and well thought out plans. People feel comfortable with you because of your friendly nature. Your ideology is that life's meant to live doing what you love. Friends seek for your advice and opinions on their problems, since you always know what to say. Family is a big part of your life, and you love spending time with them in trips, celebrations, or regular weekends.
Steve McDonald: You have a very amusing personality. You never fail to make funny remarks to make others laugh. You are a true kid at heart. People would describe you as outgoing and understanding, and always attentive to detail. You are always the first one to be invited to a party and the last one to leave.