10 Things Guys Look for in Girls...and girls in guys

With Valentine’s day coming up, the investigative group discovered the top 10 attributes boys and girls of ASFM look for in their partners. A survey was commissioned where 117 respondents confessed their desires and pet peeves.


1. Smart

Guys certainly want someone on their side who is smart. Nobody likes being with an airhead, it can definitely be stressful.

2. Pretty

Do we even have to explain ourselves?

3. Good body

Being physically attractive matters to the vast majority of men. 3 out of every 4 males interviewed expressed the importance of this.


4. Doesn’t drink too much

Nobody wants a girl who gets drunk every weekend, habits can become addictions real quick and guys don’t want to be on vomit duty when they go out.

5.  Doesn’t smoke

Smoking is undeniably a downturn, especially when the guy doesn’t smoke. 60% of respondents indicated the unattractiveness of this smelly vice.

6. Good reputation

For most guys it is important to date a girl with a good image. In San Pedro’s society, having a girlfriend that is a good girl certainly helps in that area.

7.  Isn’t spoiled

Maintaining a spoiled girl can be annoying, and definitely costly. Humble girls catch men’s eyes.

8. Good grades

If a man isn’t capable of providing for the family, then she can. Having good grades shows that a girl is not only smart, but also driven.

9. Not taller than you

No man wants to go to the club when his girlfriend is taller than him, it hurts their masculinity.

10. Goals in life

She knows what she wants to do with her life and isn’t fooling around or wasting time. With that, she is determined to accomplish something meaningful in her life.


1. Good sense of humor

Girls love a boy that make her laugh and enjoy herself. “If a guy has a good sense of humor, he becomes more attractive,” said Balbina Jaime. Of all the traits that people look for in their partner, having a good sense of humor was the most popular one, with 97% of  the girls’ votes.

2. Intelligence

Of the 78 girls surveyed, 66 of them said they wanted a partner that is intelligent. Girls like a guy who is street smart and that knows how to deal with life and social problems. That said, girls appreciate when a man is alert, knows how to work well under pressure and that will find a way out of difficult situations.

3.  Older and Taller (exceptions)

80% of the girls surveyed stated that height matters when looking for a boyfriend. Although there are some exceptions, the truth is simply that girls like a guy who is taller. “It would be super awkward to be with a boy that is shorter than you, especially if you like to wear heels,” stated 10th grader Vale Quintana. Age specifically does not usually matter, but maturity does; and because girls mature faster than boys it is common for them to date older guys.

4. Good reputation

A troubled past isn’t a deal breaker, but it says a lot about one’s character and values.  


5. Good Looking

First impressions matter, girls are certainly driven by good looks. A man doesn’t have to look like a supermodel, but there must be some attraction and charm in order to grab a woman’s attention.

6. Likeable

It is clear that girls want a boyfriend that is easy to like and love by everyone. Many girls say that the feel more comfortable with their partner when they know those who are important to them like him as well. Bonus points if her parents approve!

7. Has initiative and is romantic

Having initiative, especially before becoming an official couple is very important. This means you approach her, ask her out, and have dates that are more than just going to the movies or for dinner. Being “romantic” doesn’t necessarily stand for giving her extravagant presents every time you see each other, but girls like random surprises, small but significant gifts, and gestures like having the door opened for them.

8. Trusting and trustworthy.

Trust and jealousy go hand in hand, especially when being in a relationship. Girls like to have a partner that trusts their actions and words. That said, please don’t get jealous of our guy friends.

9. Ambition

Girls like guys who have interests and goals, and who pursue them. Whether it is graduating with honor roll, being accepted into a good university, or realizing community service projects; working to accomplish these goals is just as important.

10. Respectful

This is crucial for all relationships—respect opinions, decisions, and boundaries. Also respect everyone around you; that means waiters, family, friends, and acquaintances.