Seven Wonders of 2017
Trump’s election
It seems hard to believe that it was January 20 when Trump entered office as the 45th president of the United States. We were disappointed of our northern neighbors’ taste in leaders. Fears that a “wall” would separate us, the raping Mexicans, from them, the righteous Gringos, dissipated as the year went on.
Elections planillas
The heated battle of the Planillas raised the stakes for this year’s student council elections. After a long week of competition to gain supporters, Grey won the election edging 20 votes over second place Purple. President Sofia Avila called for a revote after seniors who were ineligible to vote had participated in the elections. After all was said and done, Grey was announced as the winner of the second election on May 20, with a bigger margin leaving no doubt as to who was the winner.
On Monday, August 21, North America was lucky to see a total solar eclipse. Well, not exactly. Various public health announcements warned that staring at the eclipse directly for a prolonged period of time could cause permanent eye damage (but that didn’t stop Trump, because no one tells him what to do). There were special sunglass circulating all around San Pedro, eclipse memes dominated social media platforms, and some students even missed school that day citing ‘safety concerns.
The power went out in San Pedro and much of northern Mexico on September 10, t. It didn’t take long for the memes, apocalyptic rumors, and messages to close friends and loved ones to start going out through Whatsapp. One of the more prominent rumors was that the light would not come back for several days, so the fight for food and water at HEB, Oxxo and 7 Eleven began. Many speculated both during and after the outage that this was the work of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto who was trying to hide from Donald Trump to avoid paying for his wall.
Box Fight
The event inspired by the Mayweather v. McGregor fight was organized and hosted by a group of Bach II friends called Marea on September 29. It was a success since an ocean of money, 43,000 pesos, was collected and donated to a non-profit institution called (Re) Hacer Ciudad directed for those affected by the earthquake in CDMX. The event consisted on a series of fights, with the main event being Juan Pablo “Wonderboy” (1oth) Gonzalez vs. Andrés Garza (9th).
Final Regia
The match between Tigres and Rayados on December 10 was the game everyone in Monterrey was waiting for to close the year. With the first game ending 1-1 in the Estadio Universitario, Rayados fans were singing victory leading up to the second game at the BBVA. The game ended 2-1 (no need to mention who won) and if anyone knows where Avilés Hurtado’s penalty kick landed please call 81. 8127-1533.
R.I.P Faces
The second home of many high schoolers closed down in 2017. It had become a Saturday routine: go to Casino, dance to Miguel Soria’s remixes and eat Hochos on your way out. It was a place where we celebrated our back to school, dressed up for Halloween, and partied on Valentine’s day. As they say... “Each face has a different story”. Currently, there are rumors that it might come back from the dead, but only time will tell whether Faces is here to stay.