Viva AMLOrd
Welcome... AMLORD! After a few months of airport delays, major accusations, free money, airplane bids and a trembling economy, it is fair to say that your 12 year run for president has all been worth it. Aside from these astonishing accomplishments, AMLORD has blessed us with a number of memes, stickers, and phrases that no other president could have done in this short time period. In honor of your first time raising the flag, here’s a small glimpse of other iconic moments from your eight glorious months of leadership
After 12 years of grueling loses, finally coming out on top of the polls.
Immediately taking care of business and selling the presidential plane, because a rich country should not have poor citizens
Helping out the Mexican youth by handing out their “weekend scholarships”
We combat crime with words, not actions. Because crime is icky.