Fast and Furious
The ASFM community does not have the reputation of being cautious drivers.
In a survey conducted in the school of people that have crashed in recent years, the most common answer was speeding. All respondents stated that they knew at least one person who had an accident due to texting or being distracted while driving.
One of the interviewees even crashed into a Tránsito.
To help with this situation, representatives of Bien al Volante attended the school to exhibit their campaign on September 24, expressing the need to reduce the number of crashes in our community.
Student Testimonies:
Marco Canavati:
“I lost control of the vehicle, eventually hitting the corner of a house. As a result of the crash, I was out of physical activity for six months. I drive with more caution than before, I learned that we only have one life and we cannot be fooling around because anything can change from one instant to the other.”
Marifer García:
“I was driving, and the car drifted unexpectedly. I had the option of crashing into one of my friends or into a tree. I chose the tree. If I were to do something, I would have gone slower. I learned that I should always be more aware of my surroundings.“
Fernando Páez:
“I was driving at a high speed and crashed into a post. Nowadays, I don’t joke around anymore. After the crash, I realized cars are very dangerous, especially when you are playing around with your friends at high speeds.“
Joaquín Martínez:
“If I would go back, I would keep my distance from the other car and be more attentive of my surroundings.”
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