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Moving Forward

I will be a senior next year, and this makes me reflect on the fact that it’s my last opportunity to leave a mark on this school not only for these generations, but for the ones to come. I constantly hear people complain about this school, the cafeteria, the bathrooms, and the lack of freedom. I agree with these students on many things, but I’m convinced I can make the change students are asking for.

The last thing I want is for my generation, the class of 2020, to leave ASFM without making the best out of our high school experience. Two years ago, I had the opportunity to be in the winning planilla team. I know what it takes, the effort it requires, and the sacrifices needed to participate. That said, I know I have assembled a hard-working team I can trust. I noticed their dedication and creativity since our first meeting, and I am confident that every member adds their own value to our planilla.

Regarding our proposals, we have great things in mind. The motivation behind our first proposal stems from the fact that many students at ASFM are entrepreneurs and have their own products. Our idea is to organize a competition where students with small businesses could be awarded the opportunity to sell their product in the cafeteria, thus allowing them to promote and develop their product. Another proposal is having a basketball, soccer, or dodgeball game once a month during the long access. And last, we know that sometimes school and work can be overwhelming, so we intend on giving out random acts of kindness once a month to all students, teachers and staff by offering different kinds of treats and letters to brighten everyone’s day, for small acts of kindness resonate in all our lives.

I am confident that Baby Pink has what it takes to continue moving forward.