Keeping Up | Volume 3.4


The club had the FTC Northern Regional competition on December 7, their first competition this year.


CSL had its annual bazaar for the maintenance and security staff on December 7. Supplies in good conditions were brought in and the bazaar was held.


Had a bazaar for the sister school on December 7, the same day they had the annual posada with the sister school kids. NHS members and volunteers also bought gifts for these kids for Christmas.

Miles For Smiles

Miles for Smiles is having a dog contest this month in order to fundraise money for the race. Participating cost 50 pesos. The contest was on December 8; the participating dogs were posted on the M4S Instagram page and the winner won 50% of the earnings made.

Med Club

Med Club had a brigade on December 7 with NHS’s sister school. A conference was given by Hector Molina, a cancer survivor, on Tuesday, December at 6:30 PM in the auditorium. Tickets were 50 pesos could be bought with any Med Club member or executive. 

Green Team

Green Team went to plant trees on November 16 along with members of the government. They had a benefit dinner for Sosac (Sociedad Sostenible A.C.), a company focused on sustainable development. It happened on November 21 at 7 PM in Casa Macro.

Student Council

StuCo proposed to bring back “Elote”, and they also had their second student store opening this year. A new edition of EagleTV was released. They are also continuing to support student achievements through their student spotlight page on Instagram. 


Techo had their construction on November 23 and 24. They had a total of 17 cuadrillas. Four of them were able to finish building the house in the time originally provided. There was a post-construction held the weekend after.

Student Arts Committee

SAC will be holding a Christmas-themed Open Mic night where all students can participate in any holiday-related performance.