Ice Cold Profit

Unexpected weather took ASOMEX by storm when day 3 of the much-anticipated ‎event dropped to 5°C, but the cold winds were not enough to stop buyers from enjoying their ice-cold tapiocas sold by the E-Sports Club.

School organizations take advantage of the spectators’ appetites and sell food and drinks to fund their projects. Clubs such as TECHO and MUN sold Tostitos and Hot Dogs respectively, having very successful sales. However, no one, not even the E-Sports Club president, Juan Pablo Hernández, expected Tapioca House milkshakes to be one of the most profitable stands.

Worried that the icy drinks would have trouble selling because of the chilly weather, they still opened the stand bracing for the worst. But they were shocked by the massive line of people waiting for their frozen vanilla and chocolate shakes. “In a span of 4 hours we sold more than 120 tapiocas,” he said. The club had to order three batches of 30 tapiocas each, pressured by the high demand.

E-Sports confirmed they made an approximate of 8 thousand pesos, much more than expected. They plan on using the money to buy a brand new ‘Nintendo Switch’ to host future events such as Smash Bros tournaments here at school.