
‘Malinchismo’ is the attitude of those who prefer foreign beliefs and/or despise their own. Due to our proximity to the US border, San Pedro is significantly influenced by American culture. It is seen everywhere: from shopping malls to preferred TV shows. When asked “Where would you prefer to live when you grow up?” most ASFM high schoolers answered, “The United States.”

The big question here is, what does the US have that we lack?

A verbal survey in which ASFM students were asked simple questions about their country was conducted and most responses demonstrated a clear preference towards our northern neighbor while displaying ignorance towards Mexico.

  • Who is the vice president of Mexico?

  • How many states does Mexico have?

  • Where do you plan to live when you grow up?

  • Where would you prefer to work?

  • Where do you travel more?

Of the 50 surveyed, 81 percent responded: “I don’t know who Mexico’s vice president is.” Only 19 percent answered correctly, knowing that Mexico does not have such position.  

27 percent knew the answer to the number of states in Mexico. The majority of whose responses were wrong said “50”, just as those in the star-spangled banner.

“I don’t know about Mexico,” one 12th grader said, “just ask me about the United States,”

A great part of the ASFM student population plans to live in the U.S. when older, and 63 percent wish to make their future life there.

When traveling, 7 out of every 10 surveyed chose another part of the world rather than our native country.

Spanish teacher Ms. Veiguela expressed that she does see a pattern of  ‘malinchismo’, but not in general or the majority. “Hay de alguna manera la tendencia a sobrevalorar, a darle un cierto valor o una importancia a lo que es extranjero, en México sobre todo.” She also said that what is American generally has more value than that made in Mexico.

Unlike Ms. Veiguela, Mr. Raúl Alvarado, Mexican Government teacher, does not believe it is present in our community. “No creo que los alumnos del colegio Americano son malinchistas, saben apreciar lo nacional, aprecian lo mexicano, aprecian sus costumbres y sus raíces.” ‘El Profe’ argued that the students realize the difference between Mexican and foreign customs and their quality, but do not minimize our roots.

There are many students who feel proud of our nationality, usually when it is favorable like in World Cup games and holidays. However, the data shows that this doesn’t happen all the time. In the words of senior Valeria de la Maza, "a true Mexican should demonstrate pride not when it's most convenient, but when it is needed the most."