Things Scarier Than Halloween

ASFM students are like people who watch a lot of horror movies, they’re not easy to scare, but there are a few things that could actually spook these brave souls. Here are the top 5 things that make students crawl out of their skins.


Car crashes:

Some people get scared at the thought of embarrassment, and there is nothing more humiliating than crashing your car on Alfonso Reyes at 7:30 in the morning. Not only do you have to worry about calling your parents and the insurance company to settle the damages, but you also have to parade around other ASFM and TEC students who are infuriated with the traffic you have caused.


Grading system:

True fear is checking PowerSchool to see that your grade in Art has dropped from a 92 to a 75 because you failed to meet one of the 52 standards for your assignment. This only gets worse when you try to explain to your parents why your average dropped ten points since last year. It gets especially bad for seniors who now cannot leave early on Tuesday access, making them spend an extra hour at school hating the system that locked them there.



SAT, three letters that for ASFM students not only stand for Scholastic Assessment Test, but for Scared at All Times as well. Whether it means paying thousands of pesos for a course or trying to keep your ears from bleeding listening to Sal Khan explain another problem, preparing for this exam is torturous. The score, the studying, the pressure, everything that the SAT accumulates in a student’s life is terrifying.


Friday after school detention:

You think dungeons are scary? Try being locked in a room for two hours, forced to do homework without checking your phone, knowing that your friends are out having fun. Silence means survival, as any subtle sound could mean brutal consequences, the most feared of them being Saturday detention.


What is bigger than Frankenstein, meaner than Dracula and scarier than a werewolf? Easy, a cadenero. These buff men have the magic wands that decide who will enter the underworld. They pull the trigger of jokes that your friends will make if a bouncer decides to not let you in.