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New TEDx Team

After TEDx parted ways with Student Council, a new team was drafted. The team consists of students who have shown interest in organizing the event.

A Survey was sent out for applicants to explain and show why they wanted to participate as a staff member. 42 people filled in the survey, and only 15 made the cut. These people were divided into groups in charge of different things. Each department is in charge of:

  • Finance: Obtaining sponsors and funding the event.

  • Media and design: Logos, poster design, and the instagram account.

  • Speakers: Recruiting keynote speakers.

  • IT: Organizing lighting, sound, and getting in order all of the presentations.

  • Food/entertainment: Getting the food for the guests, breaks, and making sure to make a name for the TEDx experience.

Members for each department have already been set, and the heads have already been determined. The work for the event has already began, and the staff is excited to execute the event.