Battle of the Privileged

Inheritance is convenient, and we tend to feel entitled to it. Laura García and Lorenzo Pozas, who have opposing view towards the topic, bring the question of “should we start from zero, or do we deserve a head start?”

On the left side Laura, an outright liberal who feels for the low class and has rooted morals.

On the right side Lorenzo, someone who has conservative views towards life and thinks he deserves what his family worked for.

Laura: Minimum Wage should be raised since workers do not receive enough from their labor and the businessman receive too much.

Lorenzo: There should not be minimum wage. In Mexico, minimum wage is so low that for the poor class, getting in the bus back and forth to their job is more costly than their actual salary.

Laura: We can fix this by taking a percent of money from people at the top and give it to the workers so they can live with dignity.   

Lorenzo: I should receive what I worked for. Why should I pay more to someone, when their work is not worth that?

Laura: Because inheritance makes being on the top come too easily for some people. We don’t give opportunities to the poor.

Lorenzo: So if I worked all of my life and give my money to my children, why can’t they study, work and make money too? My family has the right to the money that I earned through sacrifice and effort.

Laura: I believe we have the ethical and moral obligation to give our extra money to those who need it. Most of the time, people who are at the “top” are in a privileged position because either them or someone in their family exploited people from a lower class.