Don't You Forget About [Us]
After countless lectures, our loved teachers state their farewell words.
El Profe
Gene 2000:
Es fácil guardar en la memoria todos aquellos momentos en los que fuimos felices, pero todos esos momentos podrían convertirse en recuerdos estériles si no los transformamos en aprendizajes. Espero que estos tres años de experiencias se traduzcan en aprendizajes para la vida. Que lo mucho o poco que te lleves de quienes te acompañamos en esta etapa, te sea útil para enfrentar las situaciones que se te presenten día a día. Que ante las dificultades busques salir adelante sin recorrer el camino fácil, no sigas las huellas que otros han dejado, al contrario, marca tu propia ruta y traza nuevos caminos. No desaproveches tu juventud, pues la juventud es alegría, dinamismo, fuerza, riesgo y aventura. Deja que los demás se contagien con tus ganas de vivir, con tu entusiasmo. No esperes el mañana para tomar la iniciativa, tuyo es el presente, trabaja para que las cosas sucedan, no permitas que tu curiosidad desaparezca, no pierdas tu capacidad de asombro, crea, inventa, sueña, lucha para que la vida se convierta en una pasión diaria y vive de tal manera que al final puedas estar seguro de que dejaste el mundo en mejores condiciones de como lo encontraste.
Con cariño,
Prof. Raúl Alvarado Navarro
Ms. Lamadrid
Dear class of 2019:
It has been my privilege to have had the opportunity to share these HS years with you. Be assured that you will be missed, and I will remember each one of you fondly. I'm so proud of the young adults you have become to be, of your fortitude to endure the challenges, of your passion for what was important to each one of you, your loyalty towards your friends, your love and respect for the school and your teachers. As your Assistant Principal, I have fully enjoyed the ride, even our Saturday detentions! I'm certain that we will hear amazing things from the Class of 2019 in the near future. Always remember "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle"
With gratitude,
Eva Lamadrid
Ms. Hogan
Time has passed, have you…
A farewell to Class of 2019
Though this may cause a tear, I hope this incites fond memories and inspires you with words of wisdom for the future. Class of 2019, where to begin?! I can tell you now I am already starting to feel an emptiness. As the year has gone by, I have been blessed with so many drop-ins from your fellow classmates, even being gifted a fish! But as the end of the school year approaches, schedules are becoming busier and the drop-ins become less frequent. I find myself hoping to see one of you before class, in the cafeteria, or just sitting in the hallway enjoying each other’s company. This class is my first Business Math class. My first Finance Math class. You taught me patience and how to let go. You made me laugh out loud and cry tears of joy on more than one occasion. This class will always be one I remember. The sign on my clock states “time is passing, are you,” but as you move forward on your designated paths, you should think to yourselves “time is passing, what was my impact.” Continue to be the change you wish to see in the world. Continue to see your failures as opportunities to become stronger. Never stop learning. Take chances. Give back. And as always, don’t get arrested!
To this very special class, I bid you farewell and the best of luck,
The “fun but strict” teacher, Ms. Hogan
Ms. Summers
To the graduating class of 2019:
Hilarious. Intelligent. Loud. Endearing. Wonderful. It is a challenge to sum you up in a word, a paragraph, or, I would imagine, even in a full page. From reading what feels like thousands of your college essay drafts to discussing the finer points of Gilead (which I’m sure you will all forever remember is a place, not a person), you have made this a year full of surprises. People that know me have heard me say that this has been the best year of my professional life, and I’m sure that is true for many reasons, but the biggest reason is all of you. I am sad that I didn’t know you all sooner, but grateful that I got to know you now. As you prepare to leave school and move on to your next big adventure, remember to be brave like Offred, clever like Victor, and loyal like Hamlet...without all of their obvious character flaws. I hope you look back on our time together and smile. As always: make good choices. Drink water. Wear sunscreen. And now: I will miss you, and it was my honor to teach you.
Love, Ms. Summers
Ms. Escamilla
To the class of 2019, as you prepare to leave and start new adventures in your life, here are 19 things I would like to share with you. I hope you have them by your side and never miss any of them….
1. Love, because it is something that we all need and should always look for.
2. Originality, look for it because it is something that will distinguish you from others.
3. Laughter, a lot, until your belly hurts.
4. Challenges, those that scare us are the ones that keep us alive.
5. Courage, to face and overcome what we don’t like about life.
6. Silence, so you can listen to the real messages that life wants to give you.
7. Strength, so that you stay firm in your decisions.
8. Dreams, so you always have something to fight for.
9. Loyalty, from everyone and above all to yourself.
10. Resilience, to withstand the low blows life will give you.
11. Charity, so you value that not all of us have the same privileges.
12. Loneliness, although it might be scary, it is necessary to really know who you are and what you are capable of.
13. Persistence, so you learn to never give up and continue fighting.
14. Luck, you will all need it in your life at some point.
15. Kindness, always think the best of people, it will make you happy.
16. A puddle of water, so that you jump in it and never forget to be a kid.
17. Travel, travel changes you, transforms you, helps you reveal your soul.
18.A BIG Ms. Escamilla hug, because hugs keep you connected even when you feel alone.
19. And love, yes again, love has to be the beginning and the end of everything.
As we say our goodbyes, as we close the doors behind you, remember that my door will always be open. Love you forever!
Ms. Escamilla