Surprising Supplements
Colleges are known to have creative supplement prompts to make sane decisions of their admissions. Here are some of our seniors' pieces that they submitted this Spring.
USC- Corde Martinez
Hashtag to describe yourself: #AProudTaco
Reed College - Mariángela Alejandro
What would you teach that would contribute to the Reed community?: As I am sure teaching a class during Paideia would involve me doing a great deal of talking, I can’t help but feel a major impulse rise from the innermost part of entrails that screams “NORWEGIAN BLACK METAL!” Given I’ve been forced to keep my interest for the genre in the dark because my friends couldn’t stand the fact that I wouldn’t shut up about it, I’m positive I’ve piled up enough words in my head to amount for an entire year’s worth of talking.
Yale - Eugenio Garza
You are teaching a Yale course. What is it called?: The Role of the Second Law of Thermodynamics in 20th Century American Literature.
Stanford - Viola Hernández
I’d be standing in Tlatelolco, Mexico City on October 2nd, 1968. As the flash of green brightens the sky, I’d roll out my weapon from behind a column of the Plaza de las Tres Culturas. Once Diaz Ordaz’s soldiers open fire, I would start shooting too, with my video camera.