Proud of where we're going

School is back in session. New staff members are learning their way around ASFM and our community. New students are slowly but surely adjusting to our Regio student body, to ASFM, and to their new homes and lifestyles. ASFM is turning 90 years old in September and celebrations are in the near horizon. And last but not least, Mexico and the world prepare for President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) to take office on December 1, 2018.

As we all welcome newcomers to our Eagle family, celebrate our 90 year milestone, and prepare for a shift in government all in one semester, I invite you to do so with a genuine open mind, caring heart, and global outlook. I use our vision as the heart of this invitation on purpose; not as a cliche, but as a true and sincere invitation to not only “talk the talk”, but to also “walk the walk.”

Human nature often allows us to make great commitments, issue grand statements, and guarantee hollow promises. On this occasion, however, I invite you to step up to the plate and prove that the ASFM community is eager, united, proud, mature, and prepared to take positive steps in the right direction.

Be prepared to help our new teachers and new students adjust to our school throughout the entire year. Use empathy and mutual respect to help them learn to love our school, the city, and our entire community. Don't forget about them after one month; they need your support and understanding the entire year (at least).

Be prepared to celebrate our 90 years with enthusiasm, excitement, and true engagement. Not many schools reach 90 years of age and ASFM has a lot for which to be proud. Don't let the different activities pass you by because of your busy schedule or because you think they are not meant for you. We are planning many activities for all ages!! Participate, engage, and have fun!

And finally, be prepared to accept the new President no matter your political inclinations or opinions.  Mexico needs a united population of mature citizens who are ready to work hand in hand to continue making this country a wonderful place to live, to visit, to invest in, to explore, and to enjoy. Put aside your past opinions, your possible prejudieces, and the gossip you might have heard from others, and give the new President an honest chance to prove himself and to lead the country to a positive future.  

My best wishes for a great 2018-2019 school year!

In learning,

Dr. Michael W. Adams
